Operations Suspended

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and the inability to secure practice facilities, the Waterloo Volleyball Club has suspended operations until it is safe to return to the court.

This means that our programs are unable to operate at this time. All competitive teams are not allowed to gather together to practice indoors. All development programs (VDP / Selects) are unable to proceed – the Spring VDP session is cancelled. Summer Camps in July/August 2021 are cancelled.

The number of positive results in Waterloo Region over the past several weeks have shown that the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to impact the ability to secure safe locations for our athletes to gather to enjoy the game of volleyball.

The Waterloo Tigers family hope to start our programs again in the Fall of 2021. Please keep an eye out for more information as we try to provide more information in a more timely fashion.

A tentative VDP schedule for Fall, Winter, and Spring will be posted on the website.

Thank you.
Waterloo Volleyball Club

Club Updates and News

The Waterloo Volleyball Club Tigers programs would like to keep you informed on the upcoming volleyball season. With COVID – 19 there is a lot of uncertainty. It does not appear as though there will be “Open to the Public” tryouts that we normally run in September. We will contact those athletes that have registered when dates and times for the tryouts have been finalized. We will continue to communicate changes as they come available.

At present, a few of our teams are training outdoors. That number of athletes will be growing in numbers very shortly as more athletes get involved. If you are interested in trying out for one of our Tiger teams, we encourage you to register online so we can communicate with you and keep you up to date about trying out and the process of team creation moving forward. 

To sign up for a tryout with one of our many teams or for more information please click this link and register online.  

If you have any questions, please email John Nelson:  waterlootigersvbc@gmail.com