2019 Tall Maples Roster

Congratulations to all of the athletes that were selected to the Tall Maples program. Three (3) of our athletes were selected to this group:

  • Julia Blair Waterloo Tigers
  • Serena Grant Waterloo Tigers
  • Michelle Lin Waterloo Tigers

The Tall Maples camp is tailored to athletes with above average physical attributes who show potential to contribute to the success of the Team Ontario programs in the future. The camp is focused on addressing the needs of tall athletes and integrates both indoor and beach volleyball. Coaches will work on various development aspects such as motor skills, agility, coordination and obviously, volleyball skills.

Congratulations Tigers! Have fun!

Tall Maples announcement

Tigers Specialized Summer Camp

Where: Waterloo Collegiate Institute (WCI)
When: July 3 – 5/19
Times: 8.30 – 3.30
Cost: $60 per athlete
Positions: Setters, Outside Hitters/Liberos, Middle and Right Side Hitters 

The Specialized Position Camp is for club level players and is structured to provide technical information and skills, paired with a high volume of repetitions within their given position to help elevate the athletes’ level of play. This camp is new this year and is designed for athletes at any age with previous volleyball experience. Please indicate which position(s) you want to come in for during online registration. 

An outline of how the camp will run is shown below: 

Summer Specialization Sample Camp Outline

Day 1

Setters Court:

Fundamentals ~2hrs– Footwork at, and off the net
– Ball Release
– Types of jump sets
– Over shoulder sets
– Out of system balls
– Dumps and attacks (no block)
Application ~2hrs – Types of sets/location
– Focus on middle sets
– Progress into game-like situations with libero as passer (defense/serve receive)
– One on One Blocking
Team Skills ~2hrs– 3 man passing + Attacks
– Passers vs Servers (seams, traps)
– Diving and rolling out
– Digging progression
– Blocking schemes + Defensive Set ups
– Wash drills

Outsides and Liberos:

Fundamentals ~2hrs
– Platform work
– Movement progressions
– Introducing passing in a system
– Game speed passing reps
Application ~2hrs– Arm swing work
– Types of swings
– Hitting around the block/using the block
– Out of system balls
– One on One Blocking
Team Skills ~2hrs– 3 man passing + Attacks
– Passers vs Servers (seams, traps)
– Diving and rolling out
– Digging progression
– Blocking schemes + Defensive Set ups
– Wash drills

Middles and Right sides:

Fundamentals ~2hrs– Arm swing work
– Types of swings
– Attacking Footwork
– Progression into 51s and 31s
– Progression into 93’s and C/D balls
Application ~2hrs– Develop setter connections
– Blocking Footwork
– Progress into game like situations with blocks
– Forcing middle sets
Team Skills ~2hrs– 3 man passing + Attacks
– Passers vs Servers (seams, traps)
– Diving and rolling out
– Digging progression
– Blocking schemes + Defensive Set up
– Wash drills

*Athletes are regrouped for Team Skills Portion according to skill/age.*

Coaching Staff 2019-2020

The Waterloo Tigers are please to announce the coaching staff for next season. These assignments are subject to change and will be finalized prior to tryouts. If you are interested in coaching we are in need of coaches for a few teams. Please reach email us at [email protected] if you are interested.

12U GirlsTBD
13U GirlsDave Tapuska, Ruben Patolsky
14U Girls – BlackDerek Suderman, Peter Klassen
14U Girls – RedTBD
15U Girls – BlackTerry Hinschberger, Shawn Wallace
15U Girls – RedJohn Nelson
15U Girls – RedJen Cresswell
16U Girls – BlackPierre Baril
16U Girls – RedFred Miller
17U Girls – BlackPeter Klassen, Derek Suderman
17U Girls – RedJP Maranan, Will Pop, Serge Duplea
18U Girls – BlackMarek Gwozdz
18U Girls – RedJP Maranan, John Nelson
13U BoysTBD
14U BoysJason
15U BoysGary Schapansky
16U BoysTyler Kaenthongrath
17U BoysChris Goetz, Devon Swanson, Rachel Woolley