Category: Uncategorized
What’s new in the OVA for 2017/2018 season
The OVA has posted some information as they prepare of the upcoming indoor volleyball season. One of the postings was their tentative tournament schedule which shows when each age group will be playing.
Another tidbit of information is the planned changes to Playing Regulations. The Fair Play rule has been adjusted to include 15U and 16U levels (please click here for details).
The Respect In Sport program is another change that will take effect this year. Details can be found on the OVA website (previously linked from our website).
Coaches are encouraged to visit the OVA site in September and October to register for a series of free coach development webinars. These will be available to all members of the OVA in September and October 2017.
More information about What’s New can be found on the OVA website.
OVA announces Respect in Sport program
The OVA has introduced a new program that is directed towards parents of Club members beginning the 2017/2018 season.
Respect in Sport is an accessible,
online resource in the prevention of bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination (BAHD). The program’s mission is to empower participants to recognize signs of BAHD and eliminate it from the game, through a global culture of respect.” – OVA website
Please take some time and review the details of this new requirement from the OVA. Note: This will be a mandatory, one-time registration for this program. The details can be found on the OVA website: