2024 Summer Camp Preparation

As families prepare for the new spring season and the chance to put away the snow gear for the season, Waterloo Tigers is preparing for their Summer Camps.

In our Summer Camps, athletes will be trained in all the basics of volleyball.  There will be drills and lots of play time.  Coaches are from Tigers club teams and are assisted by current senior Tigers athletes and former Tigers players.  The camps will teach everyone how to play volleyball or improve their skills in a fun and very positive environment.

Click here for details!

VDP Winter Session 2024: UPDATES


Winter VDP begins this Saturday January 13, at Forest Heights

Collegiate located at 255 Fischer-Hallman Road in Kitchener.

There are two date changes from what was originally posted on our website: Saturdays Feb 3 and 10 have been changed to Sundays Feb 4 and 11 and the location moved to St Mary’s High School at 1500 Block Line Road in Kitchener.

 See the schedule below.

These  changes are due to the large number of registrations (especially those born in 2010), and to two school cancellations in February. We have tried to keep the new session times as close as possible to the original ones.

Cost:  $100.00 payable in cash on the first day Saturday January 13.  If you start on January 20 then pay then.  Financial assistance is available at Kidsport.  There is a direct link on our website.

What to bring:

  • A water bottle (although there is a fountain)
  • Gym clothes - running shoes.
  • You do not need to bring a ball - Volleyballs balls are provided.

VDP is headed by head coach Terry Hinschberger and assisted by a number of senior Tigers athletes.  The Tigers hope that everyone has a great time learning and playing the sport of volleyball!

Thank you.

John Nelson
Tigers President



Date Location
Saturday January 13 Forest Heights
Saturday January 20 Forest Heights
Saturday January 27 Forest Heights
SUNDAY FEB 4 ST Mary’s High School
SUNDAY FEB 11 ST Mary’s High School
Saturday Feb 17 Heritage Day Holiday - No VDP
Saturday Feb 24 Forest Heights
Saturday March 3 Forest Heights
Saturday March 10 March Break - No VDP
Saturday March 17 March Break - No VDP
Saturday March 24 Forest Heights


Time Session
8:30 - 10:00 Athletes born in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016
10:15 - 11:45 Athletes born in 2012
12:00 -1:30 Athletes born in 2011
1:45- 3:15 Athletes born in 2010
with first names beginning A-I
3:30 - 5:00 Athletes born in 2010
with first names beginning J- Z
5:15 - 6:45 Athletes born in 2009
7:00 - 8:30 Athletes born in 2006, 2007, and 2008

VDP Winter Session 2024

Waterloo Volleyball Club has a full group of athletes for their Winter VDP session!

Our Winter VDP dates are:

Saturday January 13
Saturday January 20
Saturday January 27
Sunday February 4 * - new location - see below
Sunday February 11 * - new location - see below
Saturday February 24
Saturday March 2
Saturday March 23

* Indicates a Sunday session instead of a Saturday session.  These sessions are at Resurrection CSS instead of Forest Heights.

No VDP on February 18 due to Family Day Weekend, March 9 nor March 16 due to March Break.

UPDATE: Click this link for the UPDATE