Spring VDP Updates

The Region of Waterloo Tigers Volleyball Club are very pleased to announce our upcoming Spring Volleyball Development Program information.

Dates: Saturdays from April 29 to June 24
Time Age Group
8:45am-10:15am 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008
10:30am-12:00pm 2009's
12:30pm-2:00pm 2010's
2:15pm-3:45pm 2011's
4:00pm-5:30pm 2012's, 2013's

If you haven't registered yet, please see the following link:
Once you register we will send you further information about the program. We are expecting our largest turn out ever so why not join us? Thanks for your past involvement.

If you require further direction, please send an email to:

[email protected]

Payment to participate will be $100 CASH on the first day of action.

Thank you
Waterloo Volleyball Club Coaching Staff

2023 Summer Camps Registration Open

Anyone born between 2006 - 2012.   The camps are co-ed but most of the athletes usually are girls.  Everyone should pre-register on our  Waterloo Tigers Volleyball website.

Waterloo Collegiate Institute, Waterloo.

Open Camp #1 July 4-7, 2023
Open Camp #2 July 10-14, 2023
Club Camp July 17-21, 2023

Open Camp (Week 1): $130
Open Camp (Week 2): $160
Club Camp (Week 3): $160
Payable in cash the first day of each camp.
The cost includes a Tigers t-shirt.

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM .  The school will be open from 8:30 AM - 3:45 PM.

Athletes will be trained in all the basics of volleyball.  There will be drills and lots of play time.  Coaches are from Tigers club teams and are assisted by current senior Tigers athletes and former Tigers players.  The camps will teach everyone how to play volleyball or improve their skills in a fun and very positive environment.

On the Tigers website:     Registration Link

John Nelson,
President of the Waterloo Tigers Volleyball Club
[email protected]
[email protected]

VDP Update: Snow Event

URGENT NEWS VDP CANCELLED Tomorrow - Saturday March 4 

Hello everyone,

Due to the approaching storm, VDP is cancelled tomorrow (Saturday March 4).  This date will be made up at Forest Heights on Saturday April 15.

I realize that this is inconvenient for everyone, but we really have no choice.  This storm will very likely dump a lot of snow right up to tomorrow morning.  Even if everyone could get to Forest Heights, the parking lot may not be ploughed.

There is also a very good chance that the Board of Education will cancel it anyway.

Please tell your VDP friends since our messages sometimes go into their trash.

As of now there are two remaining Winter VDP dates:

      • Saturday March 25
      • Saturday  April 15 (new)

The session times will be the same as usual.

Thank you for your understanding.

John Nelson
Tigers President