Call for Coaches


Due to the popularity of our Selects teams and program, we are ready to move forward with creating new SWIVL teams, but we do require assistance from adults that may wish to volunteer to chaperone or coach a team. Please email Tigers Coach Terry Hinschberger for further information at [email protected].

*SWIVL : South West Indoor Volleyball League


VDP Reminder

Tigers Volleyball VDP Change

The Saturday December 3rd Tigers VDP sessions will be switched to Sunday December 4th (same time slots) at FHCI due to coach availability for Saturday (the coaches are all playing in their own volleyball tournaments on Saturday December 3rd).

After that, things get switched back to normal Saturdays until further notice.
The remaining VDP sessions are:

  • Sunday December 4th,
  • Saturday December 10th, and
  • Saturday December 17th at FHCI.

The time slots remain as:

  • 9.00am - 10.45am Athletes born in 2006, 2007, and 2008.
  • 11.15am - 1.00pm Athletes born in 2009
  • 1.30pm - 3.15pm Athletes born in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.

For the Winter Session of VDP, and due to the way the holidays land, we are looking at hosting VDP on some Saturdays and some Sundays at FHCI. Once you register for those sessions we will soon create a new schedule so you are aware of the actual dates and times. Also please note the start and stop times in the Winter VDP may start slightly earlier. This is in order to better use the facility for VDP as well as for Tiger club team practices.
We hope everyone can attend on Sunday instead. Coach Rachel will be in charge of running the Sunday VDP as Coach Terry’s tournament is in a two day event out of town.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Tigers Staff
Coach Terry and the high school Tigers’ VDP Coaches.

VDP Cancelled for November 12

Dear Tigers Fall Volleyball Development Program Participants

We just found out this afternoon from the Waterloo Region District School Board that Forest Heights Collegiate Institute is not available for our use this Saturday November 12th due to unforeseen emergency problems.

The Tigers VDP will resume as usual on Saturday November 19, 2022, and we will add a day to make up for this problem on Saturday December 17th to the VDP Program.