2022-2023 VDP Sessions Moving

Thank you all for pre-registering in our fall VDP. We have had a much larger than usual number of athletes sign up for VDP - mainly because the program is very popular and also due to a big pent-up demand caused by the Covid lockdowns.

As a result of this, THE WATERLOO VOLLEYBALL CLUB WOULD LIKE TO MOVE THE FALL VDP FROM SUNDAY MORNINGS TO SATURDAYS, STARTING ONE DAY EARLIER ON OCTOBER 15, 2022. The program runs for 8 weeks. Payment should be $100.00 in CASH on the first date, October 15.

We are now planning to run VDP in three sessions on Saturdays.
9.00 - 10.45. Athletes born in 2006, 2007, and 2008.
11.15 - 1.00. Athletes born in 2009
1.30 - 3.15 Athletes born in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.

We realize that this comes as a complete surprise but are hoping that nearly all of you can make this change. PLEASE LET US KNOW ASAP IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND VDP ON SATURDAYS - OR - IF YOU ARE NO LONGER PLANNING TO COME TO VDP.
Thank you.

Myself and the Waterloo Volleyball Club apologize for this late notice, but we feel that the fall VDP will now run much better on Saturdays. We are doing this to allow as many of you as possible to join VDP. Session times based on age are now listed and each have been extended by 15 minutes to allow more time for scrimmaging.
Some of you have made special requests to be placed in the same session as someone else. To do this we may have to place both athletes in the same age bracket, even if they are a year or two apart.

If you have any questions, email me at:
[email protected]
Or phone 519-884-8205.
See you on Saturday the 15th!
John Nelson,
Waterloo Volleyball Club (Tigers)

2022 Summer Camps a Success!

The Waterloo Tigers Volleyball Club would like to sincerely thank the 120 athletes that attended our yearly Summer Camps. We just concluded our two weeks of fun activities and a great time was had by all. There was a lot of volleyball “touches on the ball”, smiles, new friendships created and a ton of learning of skill and game knowledge. The daily dose of “Freezies” sure helped too especially in the afternoon when the gyms got kind of warm. We were thankful for great weather and that it wasn’t as hot as some years when it would be sweltering hot outside causing the play inside to come to a halt. We all remember the competitive games we had each day. The fun and comradery will be remembered for years. Thanks to all of the senior high school and university players that taught us lots about the game.

Don’t forget to sign up to attend our Fall Volleyball Development Programs through our website. This past Spring VDP was a HUGE success with well over 225 young athletes involved over three time slots each Saturday.

Tryouts for all of our Tiger teams’ boys’ and girls’ teams will be posted soon and we look forward to many people joining those that have played Tigers in the past. We are also planning to have a bunch of new “Selects” teams running starting in September. For more information on any of our teams, please feel free to email your questions to:
[email protected]

2022 Summer Volleyball Camps


Anyone born between 2005 - 2011.   The camps are co-ed but most of the athletes usually are girls.  Everyone should pre-register on our  Waterloo Tigers Volleyball website.
Waterloo Collegiate Institute, Waterloo.
Open Camp #1    July 4 - July 8, 2022
Open Camp #2   July 11 - 15, 2022
$150.00 each week payable in cash the first day of each camp.  The cost includes a Tigers t-shirt.
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM .  The school will be open from 8:30 AM - 3:45 PM.
We have decided to run two weeks of “open” camp this year and not a club camp.  Athletes will be trained in all the basics of volleyball.  There will be drills and lots of play time.  Coaches are from Tigers club teams and are assisted by current senior Tigers athletes and former Tigers players.   The camps will teach everyone how to play volleyball or improve their skills in a fun and very positive environment.
On the Tigers website:     Registration Link
John Nelson,
 President of the Waterloo Tigers Volleyball Club